Ptyxis Ecology - Our Botany Blog

Saturday, 19 January 2008

There's something in the bog!

It still always amazes me just how mind-boggling the diversity of wild plants and animals is and how little any one person can ever hope to learn about it. Have a look at these pictures of testate amobae taken by Chris Carter from blanket bog on the watershed between Weardale and Allendale.

I met Chris on a training course last year and as he knew I was interested in Sphagnum he asked me to send him some samples so that he could have a look at what was living in the water amongst the Sphagnum. Chris was particularly interested to see what desmids there were, but he mainly found amobae in the samples I sent him as the samples were mainly from the drier bits of the bog.

Here is a good link on desmids

and here's one on testate amobae

It was really difficult to choose only a few of Chris's photos but here are some of my favourites...

Meet Arcella arenaria...

What has this Nebella swallowed?

You wouldn't want to meet Euglypha compressa on your way home on a dark night!

Later that evening... Nebella again. I think it had too much kebab. Or maybe it was the fresh air?


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At 23 January 2008 at 11:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we humans never see more than a tiny fraction of what is in front of us. Anyone into desmids should also see Peter Coesel's web site
His new book has just been pulished and is an excellent complement to the desmid section of "The Freshwater Algal Flora of the Bitish Isles" by John, Whitton and Brook. Chris Carter.


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